Thursday 19 March 2015

To Max... A story from My Dogs point of view

Dear Max
Two days ago I went  and for a walk and I got lost, so I was sniffing around and I found a river.
There were ducks there, I chaced them they fled like mice being chaced by cats it was fun, but then they all landed on the water so I went for a swim that was fun.
But when I got out i realized that the river had taken me down far so now I was very lost then i met a man he saw me and picked me up he said your coming home with me, my sister she'll love you. 
I thought he should call the council,
When the man got home he showed me his sister after about an hour the mans sister checked her facebook for any notifications, and on the news feed was"little white dog missing" right away she commented i think i have your dog and posted a photo of me then you and mum said we'll get him tomorrow.
i sleeped well that night, when i woke up i new it was the day. 
Image result for betion/maltese dog
From your dog WOOKIE              


  1. it is really good max.I think you are sad.

  2. cool, nice job. must have had a big suprise

  3. Alice and Nina rm 18 TeMata2 June 2015 at 11:37

    Nice job max , that is really good quality writing well done. I hope you never lose your dog again.


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