Friday 21 August 2015

Hide And Seek

Image result for dinosaurs rescue dako - snappysaurusI am hiding in the shadows, slinking through the scarves in my mums room, i smell kamasutra perfume.
I hear footsteps bashing the floor furiously, I feel nervous and tense.
Then a rush of relief floods my body because the footsteps get calmer and calmer, quieter and quieter.
I start to slink as slow as a turtle through the hallway and then out of no where BAAAANG.
i am found and now it's my turn to count.

But i peek and now i where he's hiding, and now i'm tip toeing up the hallway and i rip back the curtain in the hallway and BAAAANG he's standing right there.

Friday 14 August 2015

Tuesday 11 August 2015